Monday, February 21, 2011

Michael Jackson's Greatest Dance Moves

We all know Michael Jackson had a rough life, he was also a very talented singer, but another thing he was well known for was being able to dance! So here are some of his famous dance moves:

The Kick: As seen in numerous music videos, Michael Jackson could deliver a high kick better than the combined character list of Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. The Michael Jackson kick was always directed to the side and generally preceded by a half or full body spin. Hands turned out at the waist, one leg completely straight, and one leg unleashed into the air with devastating force. 
The Soulful Robot: Michael Jackson is not generally credited as being a master of the robot (though it’s hard to argue his mastery of any and all dance moves). Jackson’s robot, however, was a sight to behold. More serpentine and fluid than the average robot, Jackson was the king of the Soulful Robot. When Michael half-timed his way through a choreographed number like an automaton the audience saw a robot with soul. The Cylons on Battlestar Galactica wasted four years trying to prove that machines were capable of possessing souls, when all they really had to do was watch the HIStory DVD.
The Never-Ending Spin: Like an Olympic figure skater on buttered blades and a patch of fresh ice, it is impossible to believe how many full spins Michael Jackson was capable of performing without stopping. Even harder to believe that he was only wearing tap shoes and spinning on hard wood or concrete. Every time Michael Jackson performed his Never-Ending Spin Brian Boitano cried a little bit.
The Crotch Grab ‘N Pop: Fred Durst and Eminem may have adopted the crotch grab as part of their stage-monkeying repertoire but they could never perfect the pure artistry of Michael’s movements. Somehow Michael Jackson was capable of suggestively thrusting his pelvis into the air in musical salute without appearing overly-offensive or crass.
The Moonwalk: No list of Michael Jackson dance moves would be complete without the famous Moonwalk. The Moonwalk put the King of Pop on the map. Effortlessly sliding across the stage like a small child trapped on a conveyor belt, elongating each beat with a bend of the knee, escaping to nowhere in a groovy backslide across the stage: no move is more iconic. Though he did not create the dance, Jackson’s appearance on the Motown 25 special in 1983 made the Moonwalk his signature move.
Michael Jackson will always be remembered as one of the most important figures in modern dance culture. There is even a new game for wii out that you learn to do some of his dance moves, called Michael Jackson the Experience . I haven't gotten the chance to play it but I heard it was pretty fun! Here is the trailer for the video:

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